Every October 16th we celebrate #WorldFoodDay. In addition, we Minnesotans also observe Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Day today in memoriam of our very own UMN alumnus and the Father of The Green Revolution who is attributed to having...
“...saved more lives than any man in human history”.
World Food Day is recognized by more than 150 countries at a national level collectively making today one of the most internationally celebrated days on the United Nations calendar. This Year the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) celebrates 75 years of growth, nourishment, and sustainability. Today, not only do we celebrate our far too often unrecognized #FoodHeros who keep us all fed, but we also recognize to raise awareness of the people who still suffer from hunger or nutritional needs.
This year’s global celebration of World Food Day is heightened with the The World Food Programme’s commendation of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize...
“...for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.”
Only thrice now has The Nobel Peace Prize been awarded with a focus on global hunger one of which being Dr. Borlaug in 1970.