The 2021 BML Planning Committee is exhilarated to announce that this year's Emerging Leader in Plant Sciences (ELIPS) award goes to Dr. Mary Rogers, 2003 Environmental Horticulture BS as well as 2008 Entomology MS alumnus and current Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticultural Science here at the University of Minnesota.
We are honoring Dr. Rogers for her stunning work to characterize the biology of the spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) to develop a more effective pest forecasting system which has better informed our very own upper midwestern specialty crop berry farmers in their pest management strategies. Dr. Rogers' research is exactly the celebrated work we value most in accordance with Dr. Borlaug’s goal of a full and healthy world. Furthermore, we honor Dr. Rogers' truly inspirational educational outreach that has extended beyond both students and farmers into the metro twin cities area with an emphasis on teaching young and often underrepresented people. Congratulations Dr. Rogers, we are so excited to commemorate all the excellent work you have done and will continue to do with this year’s 2021 ELIPS award and look forward to having you join us for the 15th annual Borlaug Memorial Lecture this Monday, October 25, 2021 via Zoom at 4:30 PM CT.